Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yoga, Healing & Therapy

Yoga Federation of Egypt
Africa and Middle East®

Egypt Yoga Art School®
W A F A Y O G A studio®

Welcome to our wonderful world of Yoga, Healing and Therapy

World of: 
Balance, Health, Fitness, Awareness, Knowledge

Wellness, Oneness & Universal Love

By Joining our programs,
you will improve your health; physically, mentally and emotionally.

 journey to our yoga and healing world  Let's take you in a

Please, click the link to open the program

Therapy Sessions


Love, Light and Peace

Sri Yoga Mata Guruwafaa Ji

Doctor of Yoga, Healing and Metaphysical Science
President of:
Yoga Federation of Egypt, Africa and Middle East®

Director of:
Egypt Yoga Art School®
W A F A Y O G A studio®
Dr.Wafaa International Angelic Healing Center®